Alongside the senior leadership team at Drayton Green, governors are responsible for deciding on the strategic direction of the school. This includes contributing to decisions on:
- vision and values
- staffing
- curriculum
- finance
- premises
- behaviour and standards
- equality and inclusion
- health, safety and safeguarding
- extended school
- special educational needs
- parental and community engagement
The Governing Body is drawn from the staff of the school, the local authority, parents and the local community.
Parent governors play a vital role on the Governing Body and their contribution is greatly valued. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor, please contact the Chair of Governors via the School Office.
Contacting the governors: Governors welcome the views of parents and are always happy to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have to improve the school. Parent governors are often available in the playground before or after school, or you can leave a message for them in the office.
Who are we?
Drayton Green has 12 governors. There are nine co-opted Governors, one appointed by the Local authority, two elected parent governors, one staff member and the Executive Headteacher.
Executive Headteacher: Milan Stevanovic
Co-opted governors:
Marion Hardy (Chair)
Ania Rontaler (Vice Chair)
Cllr. Ben Wesson ( Vice Chair)
Ian Potts
Gavin Haddon
Zoe Zarkos
Theo Whitaker
Andy Berryman
Jennifer Downie.
Local Authority governor:
Cllr Ben Wesson
Parent governors:
Parent governor for 23/4: Ilaria Gastaudo.
Associate parent member of the GB for 23/24: Asafa Kponou.
If you are interested in becoming a parent governor and would like to talk about the role, please contact the Chair of Governors on:
Staff Governor
Iwona Miodek
Executive Headteacher
Milan Stevanovic
Resources Committee
Ania Rontaler (Chair), Headteacher, Ian Potts, Marion Hardy, Theo Whitaker, Cllr Wesson,
School Improvement committee (under review)
Marion Hardy (Chair) , Zoe Zarkos, Headteacher, Ilaria Gastaudo, vacancy
Register of Interests
Governors have a legal duty to act in the best interests of their schools. Where there are personal or financial interests, which may conflict with this duty, they must identify, prevent and record the conflict. Generally, governors must not be involved in discussions or vote on matters to which their conflict relates.
See below our register of interests