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SEN Information

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ARP Entry & Exit Criteria

Drayton Green Additionally Resourced Provision


Rachel Arran


020 3829 8204 


Needs catered for

ASC, MLD, SpLD, Speech and Language and SEMH needs


Children and young people aged 4-11 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who meet the criteria described below.

Please note: admission to the ARP is coordinated by the Local Authority and not by the school directly. Carmelita House, 21-22 The Mall, W5 2PJ Tel: 020 8825 6910 Email:

Entry Criteria

Cognition and learning

Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and/or Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) - Children working approximately two years below their age related expectations.

Communication and interaction

Autism, Autistic Spectrum Conditions and associated needs. Speech, language and communication needs.

Social, emotional and mental health 

Moderate difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Conditions and associated needs.


Sensory issues and/or difficulties with co-ordination and/ or motor skills.

The Additionally Resourced Provision supports children with a range of needs. Our experienced and well-qualified staff work with an extensive multi-disciplinary team to achieve the best outcome for each young person.

Classes are split into:

  • ARP D - Early Years and Key Stage 1 (9 pupils, 1 class teacher, 3 learning support teachers)
  • ARP G – Key Stage 2 (12 pupils, 1 class teacher and 4 learning support assistants)

Drayton Green has an onsite Speech and Language Therapist (two days a week) and Occupational Therapist (one day a week) to work with the ARP pupils and train our staff to ensure that strategies are implemented daily.

ARP children attend the mainstream school for part of their day where appropriate. This could be playtimes, specialist subjects (Art, PE) or whole class learning. This process goes at the pace of the child. ARP staff work closely with mainstream staff to ensure needs are met across both settings.

Exit Criteria

The child:

  • Has made expected progress in all areas of the National Curriculum.
  • Is motivated to learn, is becoming more independent and can learn alongside peers in a mainstream class.
  • Can work in groups with some oversight from adults.
  • Can communicate their needs and manage their self-care independently.
  • Can manage their stress levels with minimum adult support.
  • Can develop friendship networks with adult prompts.


  • The ARP provision is unsuitable for the child’s special educational needs and therefore they require more specialist provision.

All decisions will be discussed with, and planned by, the teaching teams, parents and the young person in consultation with the Local Authority. If a change in placement is agreed, a carefully planned transition program will be completed to appropriately prepare the young person for the next stage in their learning.