Term Dates and Opening Times
Academic Year 2024/25
Opening Times
The school day begins at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.15pm for all children which amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
Start of the Day
The school gate opens at 8:35. Children can go straight to the classroom and will be supervised whilst completing activities during the soft start.
Children in Reception must be brought to class by their parent or carer and handed over to the class teacher by 8.45am.
End of the Day
Children in Nursery and Reception are collected from their class at 3.15pm (or 11:30am for Morning Nursery)
Children in Years 1-6 will be escorted to the playground at 3:15 by their teachers and will be collected from there. Please wait patiently and ensure that the teacher/school adult as seen you before you try to leave with your child!
Any child not collected by 3.25pm will wait in the main office and need to be collected from there.
Please call the office to inform us if you will be late or if a different adult will be collecting your child.